Link Notud and FYI

Integrate Notud and FYI so you can send your handwritten notes to FYI

Before you get started:

To get started with the integration you'll need to:

Synchronise your contacts from either Xero Practice Manager, WorkflowMax or Xero. Notud integrates directly with your client database so you have matching clients in both FYI and Notud. This means that you only have one 'Source of truth' for your clients.
Notud FYI

Setup the integration:

You'll be taken straight to My Teams, and you will see your organisation. Select 'Integrations and Connected Apps'. Go to Integrations and Connected Apps page

Connect FYI

Click 'Connect' next to FYI.

You will see this pop up:
You'll need to copy the Region, Access ID and Access Secret from FYI

Open and login to FYI. At the top of the page, go to Automation and Apps. 

Please note that you'll have to be on FYI Pro Plan to allow external integrations.

FYI Automation
Select the Settings icon for Notud
Click Create new secret
Copy the Secret key and enter Notud:
Next, click done and copy the Region and Access Key ID paste in the Notud pop up window and click Save.
Access Key ID

Start using!

From a note, select the menu button, and 'Send' to FYI!

Send to FYI