Integration data input and output fields for Zapier

Here is a list of data input and output fields that Notud uses for Zapier

Input Fields

Into Notudv2-gifThese are a list of data fields that can be inserted into Notud

Data Field Description
External Id* A unique Id / field for the contact from the external source system
Contact Type** Contact Type for the contact in Notud 
Name Name of the contact or business
Title Title of the contact
FirstName First name of the contact
LastName Last name of the contact
Email Email address for the contact
Phone numbers for the contact
Match the phone number type you've used above (Eg. Mobile, Home,
Work, Business - Fax, Home - Fax, Pager, Assistant, Reception)
AddressLine1 Main address for the contact
AddressLine2 Additional address information for the contact if needed
Suburb Suburb address for the contact
State State address for the contact
Country Country address for the contact
PostCode Postcode address for the contact

*Note: Please use appropriate field and not the default "ID" field. More info here.

**Note: You can sort your contact list by Contact Type, so enter a relevant one word description (Eg: HubSpot, SalesForce, Google Contacts, etc)

Output Fields

From Notudv2-gifThese are a list of data fields that Notud can send to other apps. 

Data Field  Description
Note Name Name of the note
Contact Name Name of the contact associated with the note
Note Url Web URL for the note
ID Unique ID passed to Zapier
Note ID Unique ID for the note
External ID External Contact ID for the contact associated with the note
Note is Active Note status TRUE/FALSE (false the note was deleted)
Note is Locked? Note locked status TRUE/FALSE (true the note was locked)
Contact Email Email for associated with the contact
Contact ID Unique ID for the contact
Created Date (UTC) Time and date the note was created
Modified Date (UTC) Time and date the note was modified