The 10 key factors of quality physiotherapy from a patients’ perspective, can relate to how you take handwritten electronic notes:
- Therapist is caring, friendly and listens.
- Body language builds rapport, shows empathy and maintains trust.
- Puts the patient at ease during examination and treatment.
- Keeps detailed clinical notes.
- Knows the patients current and past history.
- Maintains eye contact and speaks directly to the patient.
- Receptive to what the patient has to say.
- Keeps up-to-date with the latest knowledge.
- Treats each patient as an individual.
- Provides ‘hands-on’ treatment.
- Patients value patient-therapist interactions more than the amount or content of therapy during inpatient rehabilitation (2012) Vol. 58. Journal of Physiotherapy.
- Communication that values patient autonomy is associated with satisfaction with care (2012) Vol. 58. Journal of Physiotherapy.
- The physiotherapy experience in private practice: The patients’ perspective (2003) Vol. 49. Journal of Physiotherapy.
- Going electronic (Nov. 2010) InMotion.
- Psychological Science journal abstract: ‘The Pen Is Mightier Than The Keyboard’. Research suggests that when keyboards are used to take notes (compared to handwriting and drawing), it is detrimental to learning and conceptualisation because their use results in shallower processing.